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Summer Speech Fun

I know it’s summer and everyone is enjoying the beautiful (HOT) weather, playing outside and cooling off at the beach!  But, it’s still important to think about speech and language skills during the summer!  Here are some tips to include some work on speech/language skills at the beach!


  • Give/follow directions while playing “Simon Says” in the water
  • Take a walk along the beach and talk about the shells and sea-life you find
  • Pick up some of the things you find on your walk and use your describing words to talk about them (wet/dry, rough/smooth, hard/soft, color words, etc..)
  • Jump into some imaginary play by while building sand castles
  • Grab a stick and practice writing letters/words in the sand
  • Have a beach scavenger hunt for objects containing your child’s target speech sounds (ex: find all of the things at the beach that start with “k”)
  • Bring your summer reading books and relax on a towel while reading
  • Work on pragmatic/social language while making new friends at the beach

Don’t forget that once you are done with the summer sun and fun, give Golden Speech Therapy a call to set up an evaluation for the fall!